Friday, October 23, 2009

Story about my reason for painting Angels

~0~ Back in 1999 I became ill with some sort of seizure activity. I was put on several types of medication and went through several test from EKG's, MRI's, and plenty of blood work. Took several trip to MCRMC and even a trip to KU Medical Center in Kansas City, St. Johns in Joplin Mo, and other types of doctor visits. Even with all the tests they did find the cause.
It had been several month later I started attending a new church, Victory Life Center. Rev Don Talent was Onointing members one day. I knew I needed it so I'm sure I was one of the first people to the front of the chapel. It was a true blessing to experience this spiritual session.
I do not know how long I was down for but it felt like forever. It was the most peaceful feeling I had ever felt. During my rest I had a vision. I don't remember all the detail of it, but I remember the meaning behind it. I knew when I came too that I am meant to paint Angels. Some people are just born to do certain things. I am too paint Angels.
Not long after that day I painted my First Angel painting. A few months after that I painted a few more. Then I stopped painting. Before my painting of Angels began it had been sometime since I painted. I use to draw all the time, that as well stopped. So here I was not painting any longer. Life! Life got in the way of my passion and my meaning.
Fast forward to 2008!! I start painting again. I paint angels. In 2009 I sold my first angel painting. It was a very small canvas put into a keychain that was 2" X 2". But I had sold my first painting. Something I had wanting to do for many years. Since that time I had some a few more. That small angel became the start of my Take Along Angels.
I am now adverting them on craigslist, really smart deals, Bonanzle, Amazon, and my blogs. My first few were sold on Ebay, but I recently closed down my store. I am making my home on Bonanzle where I will be displaying my second series of Take Along Angels which I am working on at the moment. In the next few weeks I will have them on t-shirts, pillow cases, and christmas ornaments.
I had art in school for 6 years many years ago. Need I say.. over 15 years ago. I would give my painting away as gifts, but when I sold my first $5.00 keychain it was like I won the lottery.
I think everyone needs to have a Take Along Angel to remind us that Angels are real and they are with us every where we go.

To view my Take Along Angels first set please visit

Thank you for reading this entry. I hope to spread the word about my Angels.

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